make money through marketing: Marketing Planning

An effective marketing plan will outline how you can increase your customers acquisition, sales and gain a competitive advantage. It is a strategic document that outlines:

·      the audiences your business is targeting

·      the activities you are going to undertake

·      your programmes and obligations

·      the subsequent timings, resources and costs required.

It strategically defines the activities that will engage your target markets to meet your objectives as a business.

We can help you to plan your marketing activities so that they are relevant, timely, meet your objectives and position you ahead of your competitors.

What we will do

Look at where you are now, your goals and where you want to be


Undertake an analysis of your external environment, looking at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats


Define your key objectives


Focus on return on investment


Outline the activities required in order to achieve these objectives


Distinguish the requirements to effectively implement the activities


Allocate who has responsibility for each activity


Define the budget and resources required


Outline how effectiveness will be measured


about our Marketing Planning expert, Sarah…

Sarah Lindley MCIM, has produced award-winning marketing plans for a number of leading companies across property, recruitment, financial services, travel, healthcare, agency, retail and ecommerce - from business start-ups, right through to large multinational organisations.

Sarah specialises in marketing strategy and planning, regularly producing marketing guides, blogs and content for Digital Marketing Publisher, Smart Insights.